Are Bromeliad Drought Tolerant

Bromeliads are a garden favorite for their exotic flowers and lush foliage. But many gardeners wonder if these tropical plants can tolerate drought conditions.

The answer is YES! Bromeliads are drought tolerant plants that can easily survive periods of dry weather. They are adapted to dry conditions and can tolerate extended periods of drought. Most of them store water in their leaves or cups, which helps them survive during drought.

In this article, we will discuss how bromeliads can survive during drought conditions and some of the ways you can help your bromeliad survive if you live in a dry area. 

Are Bromeliad Drought Tolerant

How Often Do Bromeliads Need to Be Watered During a Drought?

Bromeliads are one of the most drought-tolerant plants around. They can go for long periods without water and still look healthy. However, during a drought, it is important to water your bromeliads more often. Here are the signs to look for that indicate your bromeliad needs water-

Wilting Leaves

This is the most obvious sign that your bromeliad needs water. If the leaves are wilting, it means that the plant is not getting enough water. 

Leaves Colors Are Turning Brown

During the summer, the weather becomes scorching, and the humidity level drops. So, the stored water of the bromeliad evaporates and dries up the plant.

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As a result, the plant leaves will start to turn brown. It is a symptom of your bromeliads do not have enough water. 

The Bromeliad Is Shriveling Up

Observing its leaves is one way to tell if your bromeliad needs water. When the plant looks shriveling up, the leaves are dry and crinkled. Also, begin to lose its color. You must moisturize your bromeliad immediately. 

Slow Growth

Mother bromeliad produces offsets after blooming. However, newcomers need three weeks to months to grow a good root system. So, if you notice that your baby bromeliad is growing more slowly than usual, it is because they have lacking of water. Always keep an eye on your plant during drought and water them when necessary. 

Unhealthy Look

When a bromeliad is not getting enough water and nutrients, it will look unhealthy. The flower will be wilted, and the plant will look overall sick. If you see these signs, water your bromeliad immediately.

If you see any of these signs, it is essential to water your bromeliad. Bromeliads are drought-tolerant, but they still need water to survive.

Are Bromeliads Native to Drought Prone Areas?

Bromeliads are a type of plant that is native to tropical and subtropical areas. That means they’re used to hot and humid conditions.

But a drought-prone area means an area with little rainfall. Tropical and subtropical regions don’t generally have prolonged periods without rain.

When it comes to surviving in drought conditions, bromeliads have a few tricks up their sleeve.

They have a special type of root system that helps them to absorb water and nutrients from the air. This means they don’t need to rely on the ground for moisture. 

Bromeliads have a waxy coating on their leaves. This helps to prevent water loss and ensures that the plant can retain moisture for longer.

They can store water in their leaves. This water can then be used during periods of drought.

So, bromeliads are not native to drought-prone areas, But still, they can survive in these conditions.

What Are the Best Growing Conditions for Bromeliads?

Bromeliads are a diverse group of plants that come from a wide range of habitats. While some of them are found in hot, dry desert conditions, others come from South America’s cool, wet rainforests.

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As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of the best growing conditions for bromeliads. However, some general guidelines can be followed to make suitable growing conditions for your bromeliad. 

Warm Temperature

Bromeliads are tropical plants, and as such, they prefer warm temperatures. If you live in an area with cool winters, it is best to grow your bromeliad indoors, where it can be protected from the cold. 

Bright Light

Bromeliads also prefer bright, filtered light. If you are growing your bromeliad indoors, place it near a window where it will receive indirect sunlight. 

Humid Environment

Most bromeliads originate from tropical rainforests, and as such, they prefer high humidity levels. If the air in your home is dry, you may need to mist your bromeliad regularly to keep it healthy. 

Good Drainage System

Bromeliads need well-draining soil to prevent their roots from rotting. If your pot does not have drainage holes, be sure to water your bromeliad sparingly to avoid overwatering. 

Fertilizing Bromeliads

Bromeliads are light feeders and do not need a lot of fertilizer. Once every two months is typically sufficient.

Be sure to use a fertilizer that is specifically formulated for bromeliads or similar blooming plants. With these general guidelines in mind, you can make a suitable condition for your bromeliads.

By providing your bromeliad with the warmth, light, humidity, and drainage it needs, you can help it thrive and enjoy this beautiful plant for years to come. 

What Are Some Common Drought Tolerant Plants?

Plants lovers from the dry area always search for drought-tolerant plants to increase collections in their gardens. When drought hits, it can devastate crops, gardens, and landscapes.

Many plants cannot withstand extended periods of dryness and will die if they do not receive enough water. Here are some of the most common drought tolerant plants with their specification that might help you in your search – 


One of the most well-known dry tolerant plants is Cacti. They are native to the deserts of North and South America and can survive for long periods without water.

In desert areas, they are often the only plants that can be found. Most cacti are slow-growing, but some can grow quite large. 

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Sedum is a type of plant that is native to Europe and Asia. These plants are known for their thick, fleshy leaves that store water. This allows them to survive in hot, dry conditions for long periods of time.

Sedum plants come in various colors, including green, red, and yellow. Most of them are used as ornamental plants. 


Dry conditions are no problem for Yuccas. These plants are native to hot, arid regions of North and South America.

Yucca roots are shallow and sprawling, which is why they can quickly absorb any water available. They are also known for their sharp, needle-like leaves.

Drought-tolerant plants are an important part of the landscape in areas that are prone to drought. They can help to prevent the devastation that can be caused by extended periods of dry weather. 

Does Bringing Bromeliad Inside During Winter Negatively Affect Its Drought Tolerance?

Bringing bromeliad indoors for winter may impact its drought tolerance. These tropical plants thrive in controlled conditions outdoors, with high humidity and limited watering. When placed inside, the drier indoor environment can affect their ability to withstand drought. Proper care, including misting and monitoring moisture levels, can help maintain their drought tolerance even when brought indoors.

Do Bromeliads Like Wet Soil?

Bromeliad’s roots are very shallow, so they do not like to be waterlogged. Most of them are epiphytic, which means they grow on other plants or tree trunks. They have unique scales on their leaves called trichomes that help absorb water from the air.

Bromeliad’s roots support them for attaching to their host instead of being a source of nutrients and water uptake. That is why too much-wet soil can harm them.

Final Words

In conclusion, bromeliads are drought tolerant because of their ability to store water in their leaves and cup. They can go long periods without water, and they don’t require much water like other plants.

Bromeliad is an excellent choice for those who live in dry climates or don’t have much time to water their plants. Feel free to leave any queries in the comment section below! 



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