Is Bromeliad a Cactus

A bromeliad is not a cactus. Bromeliad is from the ‘Bromeliaceae’ family, and cactus are from the ‘Cactaceae’ family. Bromeliads are known for their colorful flowers and rosette leaf formation, and cactus are known for their spines and water-storage abilities.

Also, bromeliads typically grow in tropical climates, while cactus grow in desert climates.

In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences between bromeliads and cactus and if you can grow a bromeliad in a cactus pot. 

Is Bromeliad a Cactus

What Kind of Plant Is Bromeliads?

Bromeliads are monocot flowering plants native to the tropical Americas. Monocot plants have one seed leaf and parallel veins. They are in the pineapple family (Bromeliaceae), and many species are epiphytes.

An epiphyte is a plant that grows on another plant but does not take nutrients from it. For example, many bromeliads grow on trees in the rainforest. Bromeliads come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes.

Some have green leaves, while others are brightly colored. The leaves of some bromeliads are flat, while others are thin. The flowers of bromeliads are usually small and inconspicuous.

Also, they are trendy houseplants, and many species can be easily grown indoors. Bromeliads are also popular in landscaping and can add a touch of the tropics to any garden.

Are Bromeliads Related to Cactus?

Bromeliads and cacti store water in their leaves, stems, or roots. But that’s about where the similarity ends. Bromeliads are actually more closely related to pineapples than cacti!

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Bromeliads are native to the tropics and grow on trees or rocks. They have long, strap-like leaves that form a rosette around a central cup. The cup collects rainwater, which the plant uses to survive dry periods.

Cacti, on the other hand, are native to deserts. They have thick, fleshy stems that store water and lack leaves altogether. Instead, they have spines that protect them from predators and help them to conserve water. So, some of their species look similar but are not closely related. 

What Are the Similarities Between Bromeliads and Cactus?

Bromeliads and cactus are both plants that have adapted to living in dry, arid environments. Both plant families have species that are native to the Americas, and both have become popular houseplants in temperate climates.

So, what are the similarities between these two plant families? Here are a few key points on the difference between bromeliads and cactus –

Store Water

Bromeliads and cactus have thick, fleshy leaves that store water. This helps them to survive in environments where water is scarce.

Flower Plant

Both plant families produce beautiful flowers. However, the flowers of bromeliads are often brightly colored, while those of cactus are often white or pale.

Air Purifier

These two plans are known for their ability to purify the air. They do this by trapping pollutants and dust particles in their leaves, which prevents them from entering the atmosphere.

Low Water Demands

Both bromeliads and cactus have low water needs and can survive on very little water. This makes them ideal plants for people who live in dry climates or who are looking to conserve water.

So, there are a few similarities between bromeliads and cactus! These plants have adapted to living in dry, arid environments, and as a result, they have similarities in their appearance and growth habits.

What Are the Differences Between Bromeliads and Cactus?

Bromeliads and cactus are two very different types of plants. Bromeliads are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants or objects, while cactus can grow on soil. Here are some significant differences between these two plants.

1Growing EnvironmentBromeliads love humidity weather. Many of them are found in the rainforest of Brazil.Cactus are desert plants that can survive in dry desert weather.
2AppearanceThese types of plants are typically green plants with brightly colored flowers.They are typically green or gray plants with spines.
3Sunlight ToleranceBromeliads can’t stand too much sun. They like a shady and humid place.Cactus can survive in the hot desert because they can store water in their leaves.
4SoilThese colorful plants need well-drained soil with lots of organic matter.They need sandy, gritty soil that drains quickly.
5WaterMost bromeliads need water sprayed every day. This is because they love to have moisture in their leaves.On the other hand, cactus store water in their leaves, so they don’t need to be watered very often.
6TemperatureThey prefer warm temperatures and will not do well in cold climatesCactus can survive in a wide range of temperatures, from hot desert climates to cold mountain regions.
7BloomBromeliads bloom once a year, and the flowers only last a few weeks.Cactus can bloom multiple times a year; the blooming period can last for several weeks.  

What Plants Are Related to Cactus?

Cacti are angiosperms, which means they are flowering plants. All cacti are succulents, which means they store water in their stems. There are about 127 different genera, or groups, of cacti. There are a number of plants that are related to cactus. These include –

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The Opuntia, or prickly pear, is a genus of cactus. They can be found in warm climates worldwide, including the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia. These plants also provide tuna fruit which is quite delicious.


­Echinocactus is native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. They are also called barrel cactus, fishhook cactus, and hedgehog cactus.

You will see there are spines all over their body. This type of cactus has six species found in their native place; each can grow around 2 in height and 1 in diameter.


The Saguaro is a cactus native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the Mexican state of Sonora, and the Whipple Mountains of California.

It is the largest cactus in the United States. It can grow up to 70 feet tall and weigh up to 8,000 pounds.


Pachycereus is a genus of cacti that includes the Saguaro and the organ pipe cactus. It is native to Mexico and the southwestern United States.

The plants are columnar cacti that can grow up to 30 feet tall. They have thick, woody stems and large flowers.

So, these are some plants that are related to cactus. Cacti are unique plants that have many different uses. They are a great addition to any garden.

Can You Use Cactus Soil for Bromeliads?

Bromeliads are a type of low-water plant that typically grows in tropical climates. Although they can be found in many different soil types, cactus soil is often considered their best option.

So, let’s take a look at what matters most when it comes to bromeliad soil and whether cactus soil makes the cut. 

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The main thing to consider when picking bromeliad soil is drainage. Bromeliads need a lot of airflow to their roots in order to stay healthy, and cactus soil has great drainage thanks to its large particle size.

This soil also tends to be very light and airy, which is perfect for bromeliads that don’t like to be too pot-bound.

Another key factor in bromeliad soil is nutrient content. Bromeliads are not heavy feeders, so you don’t need to worry about using rich, fertilized soil.

In fact, too many nutrients can actually be harmful to these plants. On the other hand, cactus soil is typically quite low in nutrients, which is perfect for bromeliads.

So, can you use cactus soil for bromeliads? Absolutely! This soil type meets all of the key requirements for healthy bromeliad growth.

Just be sure to choose a product that is specifically labeled as cactus potting mix, and not just garden-variety cactus soil, which can contain too many salts and minerals.

Does a Bromeliad Need a Specific Type of Soil to Bloom?

A bromeliad not blooming may be due to the type of soil it is planted in. This exotic plant thrives in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. The right soil mix helps retain moisture without becoming waterlogged, promoting healthy root growth essential for blooming. Well-aerated soil with good drainage is key for a bromeliad to reach its full flowering potential.

Frequently Ask Questions

1. Are bromeliads a type of succulent?

Bromeliads are often mistaken for succulents, but they are actually two completely different plant families. Bromeliads are native to the Americas, while succulents are native to Africa and Madagascar.

Bromeliads are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants or objects. Succulents are typically found in arid regions and have thick, fleshy leaves that store water.

2. Is bromeliad a flowering plant?

Yes, the bromeliad is a flowering plant. But they bloom once in their life. Mostly they are grown for their ornamental foliage. Also, some of them are planted to harvest fruit, like pineapple.

3. Is Agave a bromeliad?

Pitcairnoideae (a bromeliad species) are often confused with Agave, but they belong to different plant families. Both plants grow in hot, dry climates and have large, fleshy leaves, but that is where the similarities end.

The main difference between the two is that bromeliads grow in trees, while agaves grow in the ground. Agave also has a much longer life cycle than bromeliads. So, while they may look alike, Agave and bromeliads are two very different plants! 

Final Words

A bromeliad is not a cactus, but it is often confused for one because of its similar appearance. Bromeliads are actually a type of flowering plant that is native to the tropical regions of the Americas. At the same time, cactus is native to dry, desert regions.

Both can store water, but the bromeliad holds water in a central tank while the cactus store water in its fleshy stems. Hope your confusion is clear now! Make sure to leave a comment down below! We would love to hear your thoughts!



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