What Animals Eat Bromeliad Plants

Bromeliad plants are native to the tropical Americas and are a part of the pineapple family. These plants are known for their colorful flowers and the ability to hold water in their leaves. They are found in a variety of habitats, from rainforests to deserts.

One of the most interesting things about bromeliad plants is animals eat them. They are a food source for a variety of animals, from insects to mammals.

Some animals, like the common squirrels, and spectacled bears, are known to eat these plants exclusively.

Bromeliad plants provide a critical food source for many animals in the tropical Americas. Without these plants, many animals would not be able to survive.

In this post, we will explore what animals eat these plants and how to prevent these animals from eating your bromeliad plants.

What Animals Eat Bromeliad Plants

Which Animals Eat Bromeliad Plants?

Bromeliad plants are a type of plant that many animals enjoy eating. These plants are a great source of food for many animals because they are packed with nutrients.

Bromeliads are also easy to digest, which makes them perfect for animals with sensitive stomachs.

Many different animals eat bromeliad plants, including –


Some of the most frequent animals that consume bromeliad plants are hummingbirds.

Bromeliad flowers are vivid in colors, and delicious nectar attracts these small birds. Hummingbirds consume nectar from different flowers, trees, and bushes in addition to bromeliads.


Some lizards are known to eat bromeliad plants. In fact, these plants may even make up a significant portion of their diet. These lizards typically reside in tropical areas where bromeliads are abundant.

One type of lizard known to eat bromeliads is the green iguana. These lizards are native to Central and South America and typically inhabit rainforests.

Bromeliads can make up a sizeable amount of the diet of green iguanas, who normally consume a wide variety of plant species.

Another type of lizard that is known to eat bromeliads is the tegu. Tegus are large lizards native to South America.

They are known to be opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide variety of plant and animal matter. Bromeliads can make up a significant part of their diet, especially when other food sources are scarce.


The vast majority of snakes that eat bromeliads are found in the tropics, where these plants are most abundant. Bromeliad-eating snakes include the green tree python (Morelia viridis), the boa constrictor, and the Paradise Tree Snake (Brachyurophis paradisus).

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All of these snakes are expert climbers, and they use their long, slender bodies to wrap themselves around the bromeliads’ leaves and pull the plants apart.

In addition to these large snakes, there are also many smaller species that feed on bromeliads.

These include the common brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis), the eastern brown snake, and the western brown snake (Pseudonaja nuchalis).

These snakes are highly venomous, and they use their sharp teeth to puncture the bromeliad’s leaves and inject their venom.


One species of animal that consumes bromeliad plants is the raccoon. They are drawn to the nectar’s sweet flavor, and they frequently assault gardens in pursuit of these delectable plants.

Although they can be an annoyance to gardeners, since they consume the plants, they really aid in pollination.


It is well known that turtles eat bromeliad plants, and they frequently do so as young animals. This is due to the fact that turtles must consume a lot of vegetation in order to obtain the minerals necessary for healthy growth.

Since bromeliad plants provide turtles with a rich supply of nutrients, they frequently consume them when they are there.

Spectacled Bears

The Andes Mountains are home to the only native bear in South America, the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus). Only this particular kind of bear routinely consumes bromeliads, and they do it for two distinct reasons.

The bromeliads provide a source of water for the bears during dry periods. They are a source of food, as the bears eat both the leaves and the fruit of the plants.

Slugs and Snails

Common garden pests like slugs and snails can cause issues for bromeliads. These slimy creatures are attracted to the moist environment created by bromeliads, and they can quickly strip a plant of its leaves.

If you suspect that slugs or snails are a problem, look for telltale slime trails around the base of the plant.


The squirrel’s favorite food is bromeliad plants. They are attracted to the sweet nectar that these plants produce and will often strip a plant of its leaves in order to get to the nectar.

If you have a bromeliad plant that is being ravaged by squirrels, you may want to try covering it with netting or placing it in a squirrel-proof enclosure.


Some monkeys are known to eat bromeliad plants. This includes species such as White-faced monkeys.

These monkeys are known to eat leaves and flowers because it holds a lot of water, and they don’t have to get water for a long time.


One of the most prevalent animals that consumes bromeliad plants is the sloth. These arboreal animals are known for their slow movements and their love of sleeping in trees.

While sloths typically eat leaves, flowers, and fruits, they will also munch on the occasional bromeliad.

There are two main types of sloths – the two-toed sloth and the three-toed sloth.

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Three-toed sloths are the most common type of sloth found in the wild, and they are the type that is most likely to eat bromeliads.

These sloths are found throughout Central and South America, and they often live in rainforests and other humid environments.

Other Animals

Most pets will not eat bromeliad plants. However, there are a few animals that are known to nibble on them from time to time. These include rabbits, deer, and some rodents. If you have any of these animals as pets, you may want to keep an eye on them around your bromeliad plants.

The Different Types of Bromeliad Plants that Animals Eat

In addition to being attractive, bromeliad plants serve as a food source for numerous species. They are a member of the pineapple family and are found in the rainforests of Central and South America.

There are over 3,000 species of bromeliad plants, and many of them are edible.

Air Plants Bromeliad

Animals frequently consume the variety of bromeliad known as air plants. These plants are native to the Americas and can be found in many different habitats, from rainforests to deserts.

Air plants are easy to grow and care for, and they make an excellent addition to any home or garden.

Animals that eat air plants include sloths, monkeys, and rodents. These animals are attracted to plants because they are easy to eat and provide a good source of nutrients.

Air plants are also a favorite food of many birds, including parrots and hummingbirds.

Sapphire Tower Bromeliad

The southeastern United States, Mexico, and Central America are the original home of the sapphire tower bromeliad (Tillandsia usneoides), a species of bromeliad.

Because it grows on other plants or objects, this plant is an epiphyte.

The sapphire tower bromeliad gets its name from its blue-green leaves, which are arranged in a rosette shape. The flowers of this plant are white and have purple stripes.

This plant is eaten by a variety of animals, including sloths, bats, and birds. The sapphire tower bromeliad is a source of food and water for these animals.

The plant stores water in its leaves, which the animals can drink. The leaves of this plant are also a good source of nutrients.

Sloths, in particular, are known to eat the leaves of this plant.

Quesnelia Bromeliad

For animals who enjoy eating plants, the Quesnelia bromeliad is a popular option. This type of bromeliad is known for its bright, colorful flowers and its sweet nectar.

The nectar of this bromeliad is a favorite food of many animals, including hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.

Pineapple Bromeliad

Due in large part to its edible fruit, the pineapple bromeliad (Ananas comosus) is the most well-known and well-liked bromeliad species. Native to South America, the pineapple is now grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

The plant has a rosette of stiff, spiny leaves and a central inflorescence that bears the pineapple fruit.

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Pineapples are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and have many health benefits.

They are a good source of dietary fiber and manganese and a very good source of vitamins C and B6. They also contain bromelain, an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory and digestive properties.

Flaming Sword Bromeliad

This is the most common type of bromeliad plant that animals eat. The plant gets its name from its showy, fiery-colored, sword-shaped inflorescence spikes.

Vriesea species have no roots and instead rely on special parts that anchor them to the bark of trees, called holdfasts. These plants take in water and nutrients solely through their central cups.

Can Animals Get Sick If They Eat Guzmania Plants?

Eating Guzmania plants can pose health risks for animals due to guzmania and animal toxicity. While these visually appealing plants may be popular as ornamentals, certain species contain substances that can cause digestive issues, skin irritations, or even poisoning in animals if ingested. It’s crucial for pet owners and farmers to be aware of the potential dangers and ensure the safety of their animals by keeping them away from Guzmania plants.

How Can You Prevent Animals from Eating Your Bromeliad Plants?

Beautiful and exotic bromeliad plants are an excellent addition to any home.

However, if you’re not careful, animals can quickly turn your bromeliad into a tasty snack.

Here are a few tips to help you keep your bromeliad plants safe from hungry animals –

Keep Your Bromeliad Plants Out of Reach

If you have pets or other animals that like to nibble on plants, it’s important to keep your bromeliad plants out of their reach.

Place them on high shelves, in hanging baskets, or in other areas where animals can’t get to them.

Use a Physical Barrier

You can construct a physical barrier around your bromeliad plants if keeping them out of reach isn’t practicable or possible.

The pot can be covered with chicken wire or another kind of wire mesh, or it can be positioned inside a bigger container that is filled with rocks or gravel.

Apply a Taste Deterrent

There are several commercial products available that will deter animals from eating plants. You can also make your own taste deterrent by mixing equal parts water and hot pepper sauce.

Spray the mixture on the leaves of your bromeliad plants, and reapply as needed.

Use a Motion-Activated Sprinkler

If you have an issue with animals damaging your bromeliad plants, use a motion-activated sprinkler.

As the animal approaches the plant, the sprinkler will activate and startle it.

Final Say

In conclusion, animals that eat bromeliad plants include different types of insects, reptiles, and mammals. These animals are attracted to the bromeliad plant for its nutrient-rich leaves.

To prevent animals from eating your bromeliad plants, you can take measures to keep them away from your plants, such as using fencing or chemicals.


  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2832612/
  • https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/frank/bromeliadbiota/index.htm
  • https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/frank/bromeliadbiota/LEPIDBROM.HTM

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