What Is a Carnivorous Bromeliad

Plants that collect their required nutrients by digesting small insects are called carnivorous plants. But you know there are some species of bromeliad that are carnivorous?

Yes! You heard right! Three species of bromeliad used to have nutrients from insects, and they are known as carnivorous bromeliad.

Their leaves release sweet white substances to attract insects. When the insects go to get the sugar, they slip and fall into the plant’s trunk. The plant’s enzymes help to decompose the insect’s body and absorb the nutrients.

In this article, we will discuss what a carnivorous bromeliad is, how they digest their prey and what kind of insects they eat.

What Is a Carnivorous Bromeliad

What Bromeliads Are Known As Carnivorous and Why?

Brocchinia reducta, Catopsis berteroniana, and Brocchinia hechtioides are the three species of bromeliad known to be carnivorous.

They are native to the tropical regions of South America and get their nutrients from the insects that fall into their trunk. But why are they carnivorous?

Grow in Harsh Condition

One of the main reasons why these bromeliads have evolved to be carnivorous is because they grow in very harsh conditions.

Their native habitats are trees, rock, or high up mountains where is no organic matter for them to feed on. In order to survive, they’ve had to adapt and find alternative sources of nutrients.

Collecting Nutrients from Insects

The carnivorous bromeliad plant is an interesting example of how plants can adapt to their environment. Insects are an abundant source of nutrients in their environment.

This plant has developed a way to collect nutrients from insects, which they use to survive. This fascinating adaptation allows the plant to thrive in its environment.

Similar Characteristics with Carnivorous Plants

Every carnivorous plant has something to attract its prey. For these types of bromeliads, their center leaves are formed into a deep tank that contains water.

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Because of the bright color and the sweet white powder, the insects are attracted to it and fall in. And once they’re in, they try hard to survive.

At some point, they get tired and die. Naturally, their decomposing bodies will release nutrients that the plants can absorb. The whole process is similar to what carnivorous plants do.

All bromeliads have been noticed to obtain nutrients from insects, but they are not highly dependent on insects for nutrients.

However, these three species highly depend on insects for collecting essential nutrients, which is why they are carnivorous bromeliads.

What Types of Insects Do Carnivorous Bromeliads Eat?

Insects are an essential part of the diet of many carnivorous bromeliads, and these plants have a variety of adaptations that help them capture and digest their prey.

They don’t have any sticky pads or barbed traps like some other carnivorous plants, but their leaves are often modified to form pits or cups full of water.

Actually, carnivorous bromeliads are not attackers like other carnivorous plants. Insects are attracted to the white sugary powder on their leaves and fall off in the water tank. Then these bromeliads slowly digest the insects. Some common insects that carnivorous bromeliads eat include ants, beetles, flies, moths, and wasps.

How Carnivorous Bromeliads Digest Their Prey?

Carnivorous bromeliads are a type of plant that is found in tropical areas. These plants have special leaves that are adapted to trap small Insects. But how do they actually digest their prey?

Carnivorous bromeliads have a tank of water in the center, and when insects land on the leaves, they fall into the water.

The plant then injects protons into the water, which transforms the water into a digestive enzyme. This digestive enzyme and bacteria break down the prey’s exoskeleton.

At last, the tiny hairs called trichomes at the bottom of the tank absorb the available nutrients.

These plants can be carnivorous, but still, you can have them as your house plant.

The bromeliad will not only decorate your home but can also help you with getting rid of small animals that might be disturbing you. All you need to small care for them.

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How to Care for a Carnivorous Bromeliad?

Having carnivorous plants is a unique collection that not many people have. And among all carnivorous plants, the carnivorous bromeliad is one of the most popular choices.

They’re unique and interesting and add a touch of exoticism to any collection. Also, they are easy to take care of.

Here are some tips on how to care for your carnivorous bromeliad –


These plants don’t need too much organic matter in the soil because they will get their nutrients from the insects they eat.

Just 50 percent of sand and 50 percent of peat mix is enough. You can also use rainwater to water your plants because the chlorine in tap water can harm them.


Carnivorous bromeliads can tolerate full sun, but you can also keep them partial sun. They will do fine if they get 4-5 hours of sunlight daily.


You don’t need to water them often, but little moisture is preferable. Also, don’t let the water stand in the pot for too long because it can rot the roots.


Carnivorous bromeliads don’t need to be fertilized because they get most of their nutrients from the insects they eat. Even if you put them indoors, they will still attract insects and get their nutrients.

Important tip:  Don’t feed them any meat or animal products because it will rot their leaves. Also, don’t put any chemicals on them because it can harm them.


Carnivorous bromeliads thrive better in cool temperatures because they are native to tropical and subtropical areas. But they can also tolerate heat as long as they have enough moisture.

With proper care, your carnivorous bromeliad will thrive and add a touch of exoticism to your collection.

Are Carnivorous Bromeliads Dangerous to Humans?

Carnivorous bromeliads: nature’s cunning predators. These unique plants capture insects and other small organisms to supplement their nutrient intake, mainly in nutrient-poor environments. However, their feeding habits pose no threat to humans. While fascinating, carnivorous bromeliads are perfectly safe for us to admire and enjoy in our homes or gardens.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Carnivorous Bromeliad?

Carnivorous bromeliad plants are not only beautiful, but they also have some incredible benefits.

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While they may not be the most popular plant, they are worth considering if you want to add something different to your diet.

Here are some of the benefits of having a carnivorous bromeliad –

 1. Kill Harmful or Disturbing Insects

We already know that they can digest insects and can also be used to kill harmful or disturbing insects in your home. This is extremely beneficial if you have pets or small children whom certain insects could harm.

2. Create a Unique Conversation Piece

Not only are carnivorous bromeliads beneficial, but they also make for a great conversation piece.

If you have one in your home, chances are that you will get asked about it frequently. This can be a great way to start a conversation and get to know someone better.

3. Low Maintenance Plant

One of the best things about carnivorous bromeliads is that they are low maintenance. Unlike other plants, they don’t require much attention or care.

This makes them the perfect plant for those who don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to plant care.

4. They’re Perfect for Small Spaces

If you live in a small space, such as an apartment, then a carnivorous bromeliad is the perfect plant for you. They don’t take up a lot of space and can even be grown in a pot.

This makes them perfect for those who want to add a bit of greenery to their home without taking up too much space.

What is better than if plants can do more than one thing? So if you are looking for a plant that can kill insects, start a conversation, and doesn’t require much attention, then a carnivorous bromeliad is the plant for you!

Final Words

Carnivorous bromeliads are plants that have adapted to capture and digest small animals to obtain nutrients otherwise unavailable in their environment.

These plants typically grow in areas with poor soil quality and little available organic matter. By trapping and digesting small prey, carnivorous bromeliads can obtain the nitrogen and nutrients they need to survive.

Hope this article helps you on understand what is a carnivorous bromeliad. Feel free to leave any queries in the comments down below.


  • https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/frank/bromeliadbiota/carnbr.htm
  • https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/frank/savebromeliads/floridas-bromeliads/catopsis-berteroniana.html
  • https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/284289

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