Why Is My Bromeliad Drying Out

Bromeliads are an incredibly diverse group of plants, with over 3,000 species in the family. Many bromeliads are known for their ability to store water in their leaves, which helps to keep the plant hydrated.

However, if a bromeliad is not getting enough water, the leaves will begin to dry out, and the plant will eventually die.

There are a number of reasons why a bromeliad might not be getting enough water, including too much sun, too little humidity, or not enough water in the pot.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why your bromeliad might be drying out and what you can do to save it.

Why Is My Bromeliad Drying Out

All the Reasons Why Is Your Bromeliad Drying Out?

There are several reasons why your bromeliad might be drying out. Here are a few possibilities –

The Plant Is Not Getting Enough Water

Tropical natives, bromeliads require routine watering to keep healthy.

You will need to water your bromeliad more regularly than plants that are accustomed to those conditions if you live in a dry region or your home is not extremely humid.

Thoroughly water the plant, making sure the water drains from the pot and doesn’t collect at the plant’s base.

Not Getting Enough Light

Bromeliads need bright, indirect light to thrive. If your plant is not getting enough light, it will start to dry out.

Move it to a spot where it will get more light, but ensure that the light is not direct, as this can scorch the leaves.

Not Getting Enough Humidity

High humidity is necessary for the health of bromeliads. Your plant is prone to dry out if the air inside your house is dry.

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Placing your bromeliad on a pebble tray or using a humidifier will enhance the humidity level in the area surrounding it.

The Plant Is Pot-Bound

Bromeliads need room to grow, and if they are pot-bound, they are more likely to dry out.

Repot your bromeliad in a pot that is one size larger, and make sure that the pot has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.

Too Much Sun

If your bromeliad is receiving too much sun, it will start to dry out.

As a result, the leaves will become sunburned, and the plant will start to wilt. You can prevent this by moving your bromeliad to a shadier spot.


One of the most common reasons for a bromeliad to dry out is pests. If you notice that your plant is drying out, check for pests such as mealybugs, aphids, or scale.

These pests can suck the moisture out of your plant, causing it to dry out. If you find pests on your plant, you can try to remove them by hand or with a pesticide.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the pesticide label carefully.

The Plant Is Stressed

Bromeliads are sensitive to stress, and if they are not getting the right conditions, they will start to dry out.

Make sure that you are not over- or under-watering the plant, that it is getting enough light, and that the pot is not too small.

Try to identify the cause of the stress, and take steps for its remedy. If not, the plant may not recover.

If you are unsure of what is causing your bromeliad to dry out, consult a professional. They will be able to help you troubleshoot the problem and find a solution.

What Are the Signs That Your Bromeliad is Drying Out?

If you notice any of the following signs, your bromeliad is probably drying out –

  • The leaves are wilting or drooping.
  • The leaves are turning brown or crispy.
  • The plant is overall looking limp or unhealthy.
  • The flower buds are falling off.
  • You can see roots starting to come out of the pot.

How Can You Prevent Your Bromeliad from Drying Out?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think too much about how to care for your bromeliad.

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But if you want to keep your plant healthy and prevent it from drying out, there are a few things you should know.

Bromeliads are native to tropical climates and need moist, humid conditions to thrive. If the air around your bromeliad is too dry, the plant will start to suffer.

Here are a few tips on how to prevent your bromeliad from drying out –

Water Your Bromeliad Regularly

Bromeliads are susceptible to drought, so it’s essential to water them regularly. Water the plant thoroughly until water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Then, allow the plant to drain for a few minutes before putting it back in its spot.

Mist Your Bromeliad Regularly

In addition to watering, misting your bromeliad will help keep it healthy. Use a spray bottle to mist the plant every few days or as needed. But over misting can also lead to problems, so be sure to allow the plant to dry out between waterings.

Keep Your Bromeliad in a Humid Environment

If possible, try to keep your bromeliad in a humid environment. This can be achieved by placing the pot on a tray of pebbles and water or by using a humidifier.

Fertilize Your Bromeliad

Bromeliads need nutrients to thrive, so be sure to fertilize your plant every few months. Use a balanced fertilizer that is specially formulated for bromeliads.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Indirect sunlight is ideal for bromeliads. However, it’s preferable to avoid direct sunlight because it can scorch the foliage.

By following these tips, you can help prevent your bromeliad from drying out.

What is the best way to revive dried up bromeliad blooms?

When bromeliad blooms dried up, the best way to revive them is to trim off the dead flowers, ensuring to remove the entire stem. Place the plant in bright, indirect sunlight and mist it lightly every few days. Water the bromeliad by pouring water directly into the cup formed by its leaves, ensuring not to overwater. With proper care, the blooms may eventually return.

How to Fix a Drying Bromeliad?

If your bromeliad is drying out, there are a few things you can do to help it recover.

With a little care and attention, your plant will look healthy and vibrant in no time.

Check the Potting Mix

The first step is to check the potting mix if it is dry, water it thoroughly.

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If the potting mix is too wet, it can cause the roots to rot.

If you think the potting mix might be too wet, try moving the plant to a drier location or repotting it into a pot with drainage holes.

Check the Water Level in the Tank

Bromeliads have a water tank in the center of their leaves. This tank needs to be filled with water to keep the plant healthy.

If the water level is low, refill it and make sure the plant is getting enough water.

Check for Pests

Pests can cause a bromeliad to dry out. Check the plant carefully for signs of pests, such as aphids, mealybugs, or scale.

If you find any pests, treat them with an appropriate pesticide.

Check for Diseases

Diseases can also cause a bromeliad to dry out. Common diseases include fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and root rot.

If you think your plant might be diseased, take it to a local nursery or garden center for diagnosis and treatment.

Move It to a Brighter Spot

If your bromeliad is looking pale and leggy, it’s probably not getting enough light.

Move it to a brighter spot, but be sure to protect it from direct sun, which can scorch the leaves.

Propagate It

Sometimes your bromeliad is beyond saving, so you can try to propagate it. Bromeliads can be propagated from offsets or from seeds.

If you are propagating from offsets, remove it from the main plant and pot it up in its own pot.

If you are propagating from seed, sow the seed in a well-draining potting mix and keep it moist.

By following these steps, you can fix a drying bromeliad and help it recover.

Final Say

In conclusion, if you notice your bromeliad is drying out, there are several possible reasons. Make sure to check for signs of pests or diseases, as these can cause your plant to dry out.

If you think your plant is just not getting enough water, try increasing the frequency of watering.

If you have followed all of these steps and your bromeliad is still drying out, it is possible that the plant is not getting enough humidity.

Try misting your plant daily or moving it to a more humid location. Thank you for reading!


  • https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/bromeliads/
  • https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/archive/2016/v22n1.pdf
  • https://www.astro.umd.edu/~avondale/Plants/bromeliad/

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